Tuesday 26 January 2016

Feeding the duck (ordinary moments #1)

If it's Daddy's day off  normally Mummy is working and I've never been great at figuring out which toddler group is on which day,
"Is it splat on a Wednesday?" Or " sing on a Tuesday ?"
Coffee morning on a Friday I remember that one for obvious reasons ! But you don't need a day for a good old fashion walk to the Ducks, all you need is a coat, a hat, some muddy puddles and hopefully some Ducks.

Now I couldn't think of a better person to spend my day with then little-Moo,  
It might take us twice as long to get somewhere but it's always gonna be an adventure. Moo is a massive animal lover in her two years she become infatuated with cows hence the nick name "Moo" and now has falling in love with all things owl related, so a walk to the Ducks was "right up her street". 

It wasn't long before we came across our first flock who were more then happy to see Moo, maybe because with this young lady each duck gets one whole slice of bread. So I help with breaking up the pieces then we move on to our next group, this group had a very large friend. Moo didn't seem to like the Swan and the Swan didn't seem to like us much either so we made a swift exit home with a little stop at the park on the way and back in time for lunch and a nice warm hot chocolate and marshmallows. 

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