Sunday 31 January 2016

A Normal Morning (NOT SO)

On a morning where my wife is working my day starts like this;

Me face down in bed half awake, half asleep. Its 7am on the dot, I know this because my alarm is standing next to me.

I have that feeling you sometimes get, the feeling that someone is watching you and someone is watching me. My eldest daughter, stood there, silently not saying a word, just staring like a blonde version of the girl from The Ring.

This is how I know its 7am, her body clock is better than any alarm. The first few times this happened I'm not gonna lie It scared me but now its the norm, as I look up at her with one eye open she says what she always says " Mums normally up by now!"

This is something that I hear very often from all 3 girls (yes even my 2 year old) when the girls have the pleasure of me for the day, while mummy works. A few other favourites are;

"Mum doesn't make breakfast like that!"
"Mums normally made lunch by now!"
"Mum picks clothes that match!"

I often wonder if my wife hears the opposite from them when I'm at work.

"Dad lets us eat chocolate for breakfast!"
"Dad lets us stay up till 11 o'clock!"
"Dad told me I can wear pants on my head if I want!"

So anyway its 7am and nearly time to get up. . . . another 20mins wont do any harm!

"Back to bed for 20minutes sweetheart" and off she STOMPS!!

Now I learnt my lesson a long time ago that even tho she is 9 years old, she is much smarter than me in every way imaginable. I can guarantee at 7.20am on the dot she will be back by my bed.

So the morning has just begun and with three girls with three different but yet amazing personalities things can only get better, right?

This is my 7am wake up call. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday 29 January 2016

A family video

Family day out to Cotswold wildlife park last October for little Moo's 2nd birthday was an amazing day out filled with so much fun, there's more then enough to do for all the girls.

This trip was a first for Moo, she's a big animal lover and couldn't get enough of all the animals great and small.

The Penguins were the highlight being able to get so close to an animal that she wouldn't normally be able to see amazed her for weeks after sometimes begging us to get her one.

Being here with the girls brought back a lot of good memory's from my own childhood trips to Cotswold and seeing them smile so much made the day.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Feeding the duck (ordinary moments #1)

If it's Daddy's day off  normally Mummy is working and I've never been great at figuring out which toddler group is on which day,
"Is it splat on a Wednesday?" Or " sing on a Tuesday ?"
Coffee morning on a Friday I remember that one for obvious reasons ! But you don't need a day for a good old fashion walk to the Ducks, all you need is a coat, a hat, some muddy puddles and hopefully some Ducks.

Now I couldn't think of a better person to spend my day with then little-Moo,  
It might take us twice as long to get somewhere but it's always gonna be an adventure. Moo is a massive animal lover in her two years she become infatuated with cows hence the nick name "Moo" and now has falling in love with all things owl related, so a walk to the Ducks was "right up her street". 

It wasn't long before we came across our first flock who were more then happy to see Moo, maybe because with this young lady each duck gets one whole slice of bread. So I help with breaking up the pieces then we move on to our next group, this group had a very large friend. Moo didn't seem to like the Swan and the Swan didn't seem to like us much either so we made a swift exit home with a little stop at the park on the way and back in time for lunch and a nice warm hot chocolate and marshmallows. 

First Post - Pink

So here's the thing, sometimes I feel like I'm lost at sea in an ocean of pink waiting for the next dad-eating cuddly unicorn to attack. I get this feeling every time I enter the girls room, pink walls, pink bedding, pink curtains and heaps of pink toys.

Living in a house with my three daughters and wife isn't the most macho of places, its a place where you do three washing loads of different shades of pink clothes, before you even touch the darks. Its a place where even our kitchen is pink.

Ive tried to introduce macho things, football, (boring) star wars, (failed) wrestling (someone got hurt . . . . .me!) and then there was carpet KUNG-FU!

We used to listen to bands like Green Day, Foo Fighters and Muse, now long car journeys are made up of the frozen sound track (on repeat) where all of us know every word! Yes even my 2 year old!

We used to have 'friends' round for the big match but once you have been punched in the 'crutch' by a 6 year old (KUNG-FU stuck) and covered in glittery lip gloss, the likely hood of them coming back for more is 0%.
Don't get me wrong I wouldn't change my life for anyone's (maybe the odd exception) I love my family, after my music of course!!

My girls teach me something new everyday and there is NEVER a dull moment, my new favourite colour is pink and I can tell you the name of every my little pony and I also now know what a shopkin is, in return they can tell you every marvel character and that Lionel Messi won the ballon d'or.

Our life is made up of walks in the park, play fights on the rug and lots of laughter and love and every now and again a 2 year old running around in just her pants singing "let it go" at the top of her voice.